Alexander Bachmayer
Operating Company
Bachmayer GmbH
Stadtplatz 7
I-39020 Glurns (BZ)
Telefon +39 0473 831206
E-Mail info@gasthofgruenerbaum.it
VAT IT00738470210
Pec: bachmayer@pec.it
Codice Destinatario: X2PH38J
Camera commercio di Bolzano 00738470210
Capitale sociale Euro 100.000.- versato interamente
Günter Wett, Alexander Bachmayer, Wolfgang Engel, Ferienregion Obervinschgau, Vinschgau Marketing, IDM Südtirol, Kirsten-J. Sörries, Alex Filz, Harald Wisthaler, Matt Cherubino, Frieder Blickle, Angelika Schwarz, Helmuth Rier, Tina Sturzenegger, Marion Lafogler, Benjamin Pfitscher
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